Exhibition center constructed to store and sell the materials made by Raute community.
Raute is the only excursion communities of Nepal, Currently Raute community of nomadic caste are settled near patale khola stream side in garcha of Gurans rural Municipality -8. Raute community is listed in Nepal’s endangered nomadic caste. They do not live at one place as they are from nomadic community. With the fear of getting sick by staying at same place due to dirt and germs Raute community people keeps on moving to different places for settlement and this is the tradition of this community people. In Raute community they leave their settlement place immediately after the death of any people from their community. They settle in different places because staying at one place arises various problems for them such as scarcity of wood, and problem for marketing for the materials made from wood by Raute. Making different wooden materials from woods like bed, madhus, saw and selling these material is the main occupation of this community people. Raute people are still following barter system of exchanging goods,they go to different markets and villages to exchange their hand made materials with crops which has become their daily routine of work.
At present context, materials made by Raute community people and the problem of selling them in the market by going village to village has been solved and made easier. Along with the distribution of identity card to Raute people by Gurans Rural Municipality of Dailekh district in 2075/03/30 they have also constructed an exhibition centerto make them easy for selling and storing those materials. Khemraj Oli president of Gurans rural municipality said, “now materials made by Raute community people will be sold in one place and they do not have to go to village and other market places to sell them”. He further tells, to make easy and stable place for Raute people to sell and store their wooden materials this exhibition center was constructed in the market of Dharam pokhara, Gurans rural municipality -8. This center was constructed with the joint initiation of Raute project by AEIN Luxembourg and Social Service Center (SOSEC), Nepal, Dailekh .Materials made by Raute community people like saw, madhush and kosi can easily be purchased from one store, said organizational founder Mr. Hira Singh Thapa. According to him plans for supplying and selling those materials made by Raute community to Birendra nagar Surkhet of Karnali province including Kathmandu are being made.
Along with the construction of exhibition center, women’s of Raute community are provided with different skills related to women beauty materials such as waving glass bead necklace. Plans have been made to sell those Potemade by Raute women in the same center which has been constructed to sell the wooden materials, ’said organizational founder Mr. Hira Singh Thapa.’ He further adds, ‘materials like nail cutters were also demanded by women of Raute community.’ Women politician Mrs. Sita Kumari Rana went to Dharam pokhara to teach Raute women to wave Pote and other women related materials. Gurans rural municipality has also provided food items to Raute community. Each household of Raute community were provided with crops and food items.