October 15, 2018 is celebrated as global hand washing day. For this year slogan is “Clean hands, a recipe for health” linking between washing hand and food. On this occasion Social Service Center (SOSEC) Nepal conducted “one day for social campaign” with 50 children and their parents in Namuna Basti (Badi community). The program was organized by Social Service Center (SOSEC) Nepal Dailekh supported by TDH and AEIN Luxemburg.
As the main objectives of this program was to promote effective hand washing day in Dalit community and to established place to wash hands with soap. So, this program was dedicated in increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of washing hands with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases. Assistant Documentation officer Sajana Sunar from Social Service Center (SOSEC) Nepal provided awareness about washing hands with soap at critical time, especially before eating, cooking or feeding others and after using toilet. She also taught about seven steps of hand washing one by one as children were unknown to them, where the interesting part was teaching and learning process through child song. At that time all children were very active and happy to learn new steps of hand wash. They played game and practiced together which was demonstrated by president of Sosec Nepal Hira Singh Thapa and other staffs.
During discussion in Child group, children committed to share their knowledge in family and friends circle and requested a session every Saturday which will be facilitated by SOSEC Nepal Sajana Sunar every 2 hours on Saturday in their community. “This community is very critical and backwards from health hygiene, education and others facility so we conducted this program here and we are organizing sessions on importance of education, personal hygiene, health, socialization, discipline and extra activities on every Saturday in this community with children.” said Hira Singh Thapa. He also request to all to apply all this hand washing steps with soap in every time.