(First Time of Notice Published Date: 10 January, 2025)
SOSEC Nepal is established in 1997 as a non-profit service provider for the greater improvement of the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the backward and backward people living in the rural communities of Nepal. The organization has been implementing various projects/programs with the cooperation and support of various agencies to improve the social, economic and cultural status of the backward communities living in the rural communities of karnali state and various districts of Far West and Lumbini provinces. The organization has been conducting its activities based on the following Thematic Areas: (a) Advocacy Against Inequality, (b) Resilient Livelihoods, (c) Safe and Save Life, (d) WASH and Nutrition, (e) Inclusive and Informal Education, and (f) Children Prosperity. SOSEC Nepal has been adopting the policy of protection/security of women and children and zero tolerance against corruption.
In this context, the Consultancy Service for Situation Analysis of GBV Prevention and Response of the Security and Justic Program implementing by SOSEC Nepal with the financial support of UK Government/People in Need is requested to submit the registration and renewal certificate, Fact Sheet and EOI of your firm or company or individual through the procurement@sosec.org.np of the organization within 11 (eleven) days from the date of publication of this notice.
Note: Please find the link of ToR_Situational Analysis_expert_SJP_Dec 2024 – Copy detail information
Procurement Committee
Phone: 089 410187/410096
Email: procurement@sosec.org.np