

Introduction of the Organization

Social Service Centre
(SOSEC), Dailekh is one of the non-political and non-profitable
social organization which has been founded in 2054 B.S. with the
goal of serving the backward people in the remote and undeveloped
communities of Dailekh district. The organization tries to play the
vital role in the social cultural and economic development of the
community. SOSEC is the result of the ambition and enthusiasm some
adventures Dailekhi youths who are always dedicated in the
prosperity of community. By analyzing the fact that only
governmental offices can not do all the of developmental work, and
some efforts should be done by the civil society for the development
of the community the organization has been performing different
activities related to human right health, education, sanitation &
agriculture with the partnership of different bilateral,
Multilateral and other donor agencies that launch the program only
for the disadvantage and back warded communities. SOSEC considers
that the community should be active and cleaver for their
development. The development of a community depends on the
activeness of the community.


status of the organization


SOSEC has been
registered in DAO Dailekh with the registration No-59-054/055 on 11th
bhadra 2054 with in Organization Registration Act. 2035. Similarly
it has been affiliated in Social Welfare Council with the
affiliation No-6099-054/055 and registered in NGO Federation with
Reg. No
Dai-3-MDR- 054/55.
SOSEC has also been registered in PAN with No 300965292.



  • There will have
    been the construction of equitable society with the
    establishment of empowered organization to play effective &
    vital role in he integrated development of the community.




  • To improve the
    educational, health, economic and Right aspect of the women,
    Dalit, Janajaties, Children and poor with the help of social
    mobilization and peoples participation.



  • To improve the
    educational, health and economic condition of the target groups
    by centralizing the social inclusion.

  • To make access to
    the right by enhancing capacity of class of people lacking

  • To increase the
    institutional capacity of the organization by emphasis on human
    resource development. 


Objectives :

  • Increase income through
    mobilization of local fund.

  • Professionally Development &
    Promotion of agriculture & forestry, livestock & touristy Places
    in local level.

  • Development of need based local
    infrastructures with the co-ordination of different line

  • Sustainable development of the
    organization by capacity development of the human resources in
    the organization.

  • Public awareness in the
    community level to reduce the gender & caste discrimination
    prevailing in the community.

  • Work as the means of
    transformation by organizing the mobile health camp & increasing
    awareness in the community on reproductive health, community
    health as well as HIV/AIDS.

  • Increase employment status in
    the local level by focusing on the development of local skills
    based on the demand of market.

  • Endeavor for the humanly help
    to the natural disaster & conflict affected community by
    increasing the awareness on human right protection.

  • Conduct the non-formal
    education program to reduce the illiteracy.

  • Publication of leaflets,
    booklets and conduction of community radio for the awareness of
    the community.


Value & Norms

  • Social Equality

  • Peoples

  • Transparency

  • Neutrality


Target Group/Right holders


SOSEC considers the
following communities, the target communities

  • Women, Dalit,
    Janajati, DAG(Poor) & Children, Youth


Thematic Area of Working

SOSEC Dailekh has the
following thematic area of working:

  • Social
    mobilization for right
    Right Advocacy, Good governance

  • Poverty Reduction
    through Livelihood Improvement

  • Community
    Micro-infrastructure construction

  • Income Generation
    Activities conduction in mobilization local fund

  • Humanly & Rapid
    Support to Conflict & natural Disaster Affected Community

  • HIV/AIDS Issuev
    Health &
    Sanitation, safer motherhood, Nutrition, ARI, Diarrhea etc.

  • Education & Child

  • Clime Change



  • The
    prioritization of the program should match the goals &
    objectives of the organization.

  • Female focused
    activities should be conducted who are considered as the means
    of change.

  • Priority should
    be given to the gender poor and caste focused program.

  • Development
    should be according the interest of the people by the
    leaderships of the community.

  • Each activity of
    the development should cover the opportunities produced out of
    geographical and cultural diversities.

  • Awareness raising
    and institutional development activities should be conducted to
    develop the independency and common feeling in the community.

  • The working
    strategy of the organization should be dynamic in accordance to
    the time.

  • Sharing of
    participatory working strategy should be done in district or
    community level.




SOSEC Dailekh Works
in the community by focusing on the interest and needs of the
community by raising the social economic and cultural status of the
community to fulfill its own goals and objective. SOSEC encourages
the community to work for themselves to raise their status. SOSEC
encourages in participatory planning and prioritization as well as
focuses on the prioritized implementation of the activities. The
working modality of SOSEC can be show in given Chart.

width=582 height=240 src=”sosec%20profile2_files/image001.gif” v:shapes=”_x0000_s1044 _x0000_s1045 _x0000_s1046 _x0000_s1047 _x0000_s1048 _x0000_s1049 _x0000_s1050 _x0000_s1051 _x0000_s1052 _x0000_s1053 _x0000_s1054 _x0000_s1055 _x0000_s1056 _x0000_s1057 _x0000_s1058 _x0000_s1059 _x0000_s1060 _x0000_s1061 _x0000_s1062″> 













Partnership &

SOSEC, Dailekh has
been working in the community since its establishment with
harmonious partnership and coordination with different line
agencies. SOSEC has made partnership with different governmental and
non governmental agencies. At first SOSEC started working in the
partnership with Rawatkot & Bhairkalikathum VDC, and now have
conducted different activities in the harmonious partnership of with
Asian Development Bank (ADB),
Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF) Nepal, CECI/SAHAKARYA, Action Aid
Nepal (AAN), Save the Children US, Social Awareness Centre (SAC)
Nepal, Save the Children Norway, Save the children international,  Helvatas
(LLINK, SKILL, WARM-P, LILI & LIVE)  Nepal, Oxfam, Rural Village
Water Resource Management Project (RVWRMP)/Finish International
Development Agency (FINIDA), Nepal Water For Health (NEWA)/CONCERN,
Rural Drinking Water & Sanitation Development Board (FUND BOARD)l,
UNICEF, RAP/DFID, CSP/Care Nepal. AEI/TDH Germany India Program,


Field of

organization which has been working in the community for ten years
in the sector of community development has thought own self the
specialization in following aspect:

  1. Gender Concept & Development.

  2. Health education, formal & non formal education.

  3. Drinking water supply & sanitation, safer motherhood, Nutrition,
    ARI, Diarrhea etc.

  4. Infrastructure Development & irrigation management.

  5. Income generation program, Food security, Community development.

  6. Enterprises Development & Market Co-relation


  8. Natural Resources Management.

  9. Child development, Clime change issue, Women, Dalit & Child

  10. Survey, Design, Cost estimate & Supervision.

  11. Conflict Management, Support for Disaster management.

  12. Institutional Capacity building.

  13. Good governance, Youth & Right To food 





Six sectors has been
managed based on the VMGO and the programs of SOSEC Dailekh each
section has been
by section chief and necessary other
posts have been managed under these sections. The section chiefs
have been mobilized and guided by executive Director. All the staffs
are responsible to the ED and ED is responsible to Executive
committee. Executive Director prepares proposals, monthly ,
Quarterly, Semi-Annual and annual report of the organization and
submit to the related agency with the support of section chief
similarly ED handless the daily administrative work of the
organization. Some times consultants are also recruited and
mobilized the human resource are not sufficient for the program.




Organizational management

SOSEC Dailekh has
clear vision for organizational management. The roles and
responsibility of each section has been clearly defined general
Assembly is the highest paint of the organization Executive
Committee has been elected in each 2 years in the general Assembly.
The executive committee leads and guides the organization regular
monitoring and evaluation of the programs for the better
implementation, guideline provide and decision making are the
activities done by the executive committee. to lead the organization
towards the good governance different sub-committee like, Management
Sub-committee, Monitoring Sub- committee, Procurement Su-committee,
physical assets supervision Sub-committee organizational development
sub-committee and recruitment sub-committee.




SOSEC, Dailekh
collects resourced from membership fees late fee, ODF Provide by the
staffs, and other service fee, as well as overhead & management
expenses provided by the donor agencies. The collected fund is
mobilized for the Capacity development of the members and staffs of
the organization. All the transaction is made by cheque from bank.
The expenses bill voucher and receipt are submitted to the
subjective sub-committee and endorsement to the executive committee.
The executive committee checks whether the expenses are real or not
and approved. Account has been managed in the stander format of
accountancy of Nepal government. Different formats have been
developed to manage the account properly. Internal audit has been
made twice a year and external audit once year by CA or registered
auditor recruited by the general assembly of the organization. Audit
report and annual progress report is submitted to concerning
support/donor agency, social welfare council and other stakeholders.
Now spread sheet has been developed and used for the proper
management of account report. Annually organization social audit



The necessary
resources for the better implementation of program are collected
from following sources:

  • Entrance,
    Membership and renew fee

  • ODF Support
    Service fee

  • Support from
    government, Semi government and INGO/NGOs

  • Support from
    private and personal sector.


and guidelines in SOSEC

Different policies
and guidelines have been developed to lead the organization towards
the good governance. The policies and guidelines in the SOSEC are as

  • Constitution of
    the organization.

  • Staff Management

  • Finance
    Management policy.

  • Strategic policy.

  • J.D of Executive
    member, staffs and member of sub-committee.

  • Operational
    management guidelines.

  • Partnership

  • Human resource
    management guideline.

  • Communication

  • Resource
    Mobilization Policy.

  • Staff orientation

  • BOG of SOSEC
    corruption policy.


Management System

SOSEC has followed
different legal process and organizational practice for the
management and mobilization of human, physical economic
communication and technology of the organization for the internal
management of organization following practices has been done:

  • Semi-Annual &
    Annual Review of organization (PPRP)

  • Annual
    organization Social Audit

  • Tax clearance

  • PAN

  • Regular Tax

  • Regular annual
    general assembly

  • Regular board

  • Monthly staffs

  • Regular Inter
    Sect oral Staff Meeting of Senior Staffs

  • Procurement by
    quotation & tender

  • Half annual
    internal audit

  • Annual external

  • Annual physical
    asset supervision

  • Social Audit
    Program & Activity

  • Orientation to
    staffs about the rules and regulation of program as well as


SOSEC Geographical working

Kalikot, Jajarkot,Surkhet & achham


Experience of the organization

of Program Conducted in FY -064/065          


Name of Project

Working Area

Supporting Agency

No. of CO

Beneficiaries HHS & Population by Project












Integrated Community
Development Project (ICDP)

Bindhyabasini, Rakamkarnali, Peepalkot & Singhsain VDC

Poverty Alleviation
Fund (PAF), Nepal











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SOSEC Executive Committee

२० कार्तिक २०६८, आईतवार ११:५५
SN Name Position Address Qualification Experience Photo  1 Mr. Hira Singh Thapa President Rawatkot-1, Dailekh Diploma in Civil Engineering > 15  2 Mr. Bir Bdr. Nepali Vice-President Bansi VDC, Dailekh Test Pass > 10  3 Mrs Manju Khadka General Secretary Tolijaishi VDC, 7 Dailekh B.Ed > 8  4 Mrs. Gita […]

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